1Dry land: standing towards the wall; squats
2Prone gliding
3Prone gliding by streching the elastic
4Breaststroke kicks; supine position; arms extended forward
5Breaststroke kicks; sideward position; one arm extended forward and the other sidward the body, breathing
6Breaststroke kicks; arms sideward the body; strokes from elbow
7Breaststroke kicks; arms extended forward; with additional kick up
8Breaststroke kicks; arms extended forward; with additional kick up; with the fins
9Breaststroke kicks; arms extended forward; with heels togather
10Egg beater kicks; arms sideward the body
11Egg beater kicks; arms extended forward
12Breaststroke kicks; arms extended forward; right + left + both
13Strokes from the wrists
14Alternating strokes from the wrists
15Alternating strokes from the elbows; supine position; arms extanded forward
16Sculling; arms extended forward
17Arms sideward the body; upsweeps
18Sculling; supine position
19Breaststroke; strokes with the left arm only
20Breaststroke; diagonally
21Breaststroke; 1 cycle + 1 kick
22Breaststroke; 1 cycle + 1 stroke
23Breaststroke; 1 cycle with breathing + 1 cycle without it
24Breaststroke; 1 cycle with breathing + 2 cycles without it
25Breaststroke; 2 cycles with breathing + 1 cycle without it
26Breaststroke; 2 cycles with breathing + 1 underwater cycle
27Breaststroke; 2 cycles slow + 2 cycles fast
28Breaststroke with the parachute
30Underwater stroke
31Underwater stroke by streching the elastic
32Vertical push off; swim out with the underwater breaststroke cycle; repeatedly
33Prone gliding + kick to the surface
35Underwater breaststroke cycle
36Starting block: track start; glide out
37Starting block: track start; swim out with underwater cycle
38Towards the wall: finish